These tools were developed to meet specific needs we had while doing our job as SEOs. Similar tools were non-existent, so we had to build them.
Some of these tools will save you 20 to 40 minutes, while some of them can quite literally save countless hours, depending on how often you use them.
I don’t charge anything for access to use them, and even offer them as a free WordPress plugin.
Instant SEO Review
Analyzes the top 20+ ON PAGE organic ranking factors for a SINGLE URL, like title, description, keywords, header tags. Each factor is summarized with my own commentary and links to other relevant details. Plugin users can then edit the commentary for their clients.
Bulk Response URL Checker
Have you ever needed to check a large number of URL’s to see which pages in a list are 404 Not found? Have you ever needed a list of all the redirects that are in place for a list of URL’s? We simply needed this functionality and a tool didn’t seem to exist, so now it does.
Google Fight
Which of two phrases gets more search volume in a given month. This page ises the SEMrush API to answer the question.
Search Volume Checker
Do you wonder which phrases get the most searches, “phrase one” or “phrase two”? With this tool you can enter up to 20 phrases, and find out which has the most global search volume at Google.
Structured Data Generator for Local Businesses
Easily generate structured data in a way Google understands, and add it to a website so you will pass Google’s Structured Data Tester with flying colors.
CSV Sheets – Merge Into One Workbook
This Add-in will combine multiple CSV files into one workbook with multiple tabs, it will go through each of the tabs and “enable” any hyperlinks that may be on the sheets, and it will create a table of content page for the entire workbook with links to each tab.
Obsolete and Retired Tools –
The tools below aren’t quite dead yet, but you likely don’t need to use them anymore, because there are more efficient solutions.
Keyword List Multiplier
This was the first tool we ever created, and it allows you to easily and instantly combine keyword lists so you can “cover all the bases” when it comes to variations. This used to be an endless process of copying and pasting, and now you simply have to push a button! If, however, you’ve already moved on to using modified broadmatch in your ad campaigns, then you likely don’t need this tool.
Landing Page Determinator – Which Page Ranks? (retired)
Doing a site:domainname.com search for phrases one at a time takes too long, so using Google’s own API, we developed this tool to do it in bulk. Put in a domain, enter some keywords, and see the top three pages in your domain that Google says rank best for those phrases.
Google Review Link Generator (retired)
This tool uses our own Google Maps API key, to generate a perfectly formatted “Review Us” link directly from Google. Just start typing, and your claimed business will show up.
CSV File Merge into one Worksheet
Just upload your CSV files, merge, then download just one file with one tab. Still works, but rarely needed
Google Analytics Spam Referral Filter – (retired)
Every client deserves accurate stats, and the referral spam problem is out of control. Using this tool just once could save you over half an hour, or using it over and over could save you dozens of hours with multiple Google accounts!
Put RSS Feeds on any website
This tool was born out of necessity, and came from hearing the frustration coming out of many developers we’ve worked with over the past few years concerning “How to add an RSS feed to a webpage”.
This tool will run a VALID RSS FEED on any site, making the feed appear in the right size box, with font, color and content length that you choose.
Anchor Text / Link Spinner
This tool allows you to enter a list of URLs on the left side, then a list of varied anchor text on the right side, press a button, and get the .html code for every possible variation of those links and landing pages. Do you really need this tool? Nope, probably not, but it’s here if you do.
Additional Resources
These aren’t so much “tools” as they are resources that we’ve developed, creatively saving time doing things you would otherwise have to do manually.
Activate links in Excel spreadsheets
Ever needed to make hundreds or thousands of links live in Excel spreadsheet, after importing or pasting from another program? For some reason, no versions of Excel will do that, (STUPID) so we developed a macro you can download and use for free, with Office 2003 to 2010 (so far).
Your Google Products Page
This is a single resource page that gives you access to ALL of the Google services that you participate in. Google used to have this – now it’s hidden.
Local Biz Listing Presentation
This is a presentation I gave back in 2013, but its still fully relevant today. I’ve provided a link there to a local business listing worksheet too, so you can get going on your citations.
Local Citations Prioritized
This is a list of everywhere you should go to get citations got your local business. I’ve prioritized them according to importance, and provided links for you to claim those citations yourself.
Local Business Citation Scan
We are able to provide you with this scan of your business, identifying both problems and opportunities.