
SEO Chatbot - How can I help you?Last summer when I was at SMX Advanced in Seattle, Danny Sullivan interviewed Googles Gary Illyes in a sort of “Fireside Chat” session.

They covered a lot of ground, but the question that stood out most for me, was the last thing Danny asked, at the end of the day, when he asked “What’s your final advice, that you want everyone to know?”

Gary’s answer came pretty quickly, and he said this –

“Two things. Pay attention to AMP. It’s going to be really big. Figure out with your developers how to implement it. Second, look at developments around assistants and chat bots. They are going to be huge, and you want to be among the first people who get on those features.”

I took his advice to heart, and I was already learning everything I could about AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). I applied it to my own and clients websites, and AMP was already my scheduled topic for my 2016 Pubcon presentation.

However, it took a while for me to warm up to the idea of a chatbot. Lately though, I’ve been testing something new out, and I’m finally ready to put it out there for you to see.

My SEO Chatbot went live May 2017, in the bottom left corner of the page.

Will You Please Ask a Test Question?

What questions would you expect an SEO chatbot to be able to answer?  I don’t know if this is actually “the first SEO Chatbot” but it’s the first one I’ve ever seen, so I had nothing to compare it to. I’d encourage you to please give it a try, and if the chatbot can’t answer your question today, there’s a very good chance it will be able to soon, since we can review every question and see exactly how the chatbot answered, and edit those responses for the next time.

If I get enough questions correctly answered, then I can display the chatbot sitewide.  Please help me out by asking a question in the box above.  Remember, it’s still in “learning mode” so the answers may not always make sense, but it’s getting better every hour, and will continue to improve daily.

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