
Scott Hendison’s Blog

Search Console Dashboard – SEO Gets Review

Search Console Dashboard – SEO Gets Review

For quite a while now, I've been playing with the Google Search Console API trying to build a tool for analyzing websites from Google Search Console. With Google Analytics 4 turning out so horribly, I thought there had to be a better way to get the data I need, but as...

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CSV to Excel Workbook Consolidator

CSV to Excel Workbook Consolidator

We built this free Excel add-on to combine multiple CSV files exported from Screaming Frog into one Excel Workbook, with a table of contents and live hyperlinks throughout the workbook. It saves a LOT of time, compared to manually creating a report from multiple CSV...

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Google Fight Tool

Google Fight Tool

We've recreated a fun free tool called GoogleFight that quit working a few years ago, and it helps settle the eternal question, "What gets searched for more often, "apples" or "oranges?" Because I consistently have unused API credits with SEMrush, and because the...

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Where’s Your COVID-19 Website Statement?

Where’s Your COVID-19 Website Statement?

Over the past few days, we've put up a few Covid-19 statements on client websites. No two of them are exactly the same, but they all do have some things in common. I've also received countless COVID-19 emails from vendors, customers, clients, newsletters, and random...

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An Email Hacker Almost Stole Someones Paycheck

An Email Hacker Almost Stole Someones Paycheck

I got a call from a client today that really shook me. Apparently, one of their employees sent an email to their bookkeeper, asking if they could change their direct deposit to their new bank. The bookkeeper replied to the employee, sending a form to be filled out......

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Fraudulent Invoices Via Paypal from Godaddy

Fraudulent Invoices Via Paypal from Godaddy

This morning I received two Paypal invoices that were sent to me directly.  At first and even second glance they appear to be legitimate, but they're not. The invoices looked like real invoices via email, and they contained the GoDaddy logo, but the $64 amount was way...

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New Google Bug – Adding a GMB Listing

New Google Bug – Adding a GMB Listing

I have a client that's opened a second office, and I'm unable to add their GMB listing. After adding the address, I'm unable to proceed because there's an error reading "Enter an address and marker that's specify at the same place". The problem is, there's nowhere to...

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New Google Search Console Performance Reports

New Google Search Console Performance Reports

Google Search Console recently started delivering reports to webmasters who have their sites claimed, but it seems to be rolling out very slowly. Out of the dozens of sites that I have in GSC, for the month of September, I received only two, but this morning, for the...

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Google My Business – Change to Messaging

Google My Business – Change to Messaging

Were you one of the early adopters to Google My Business messaging? I'm talking about this button right here, that allows your customers to message you right from Google's search results. If you want to read other business related posts, read this one about Service...

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Google Search App Bug – Adding a Photo

Google Search App Bug – Adding a Photo

I was at the airport last week leaving for Pubcon and tried to add an image from the restaurant I was eating at, but I couldn't do it. I Tweeted about the bug to Google My Business, who asked me to send them a DM with all the details, so I did. #BugReport @GoogleMyBiz...

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Farwest Presentation –  August 2021

Farwest Presentation – August 2021

The annual Farwest show is all about landscaping, and attended by gardening and landscaping industry consumers. My presentation is for the vendors and service providers in attendance, as beginner and intermediate marketers. It was not intended for search industry...

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YouTube Changed the Related Videos Parameter

YouTube Changed the Related Videos Parameter

Up until recently, there was an option inside of YouTube to embed a video on your website without showing related videos at the end, which were often from competitors. The process was somewhat hidden, but at least it was an available option. When you went to get the...

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My Free WordPress Setup Plugin

My Free WordPress Setup Plugin

I've had this free plugin available for years, and we just updated to version 4.0. There are paid plugins that don't work as well as this one, saving even the most experienced WordPress admins 20 to 40 minutes on each installation.

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I’ll Be the Judge of That!

I’ll Be the Judge of That!

For the third year in a row, I am excited to be one of the judges for the US Search Awards, which will be presented at the Treasure Island Hotel in Las Vegas, on Wednesday, October 17, 2018. I'm judging in just three of the 33 categories, all listed here and Wednesday...

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Hacked Links in WordPress Pages

Hacked Links in WordPress Pages

Ever heard of two scripts called lnkr5.min.js and lnkr30_nt.min.js? I hadn't either, until I had a client whose website kept getting hacked. It took a while to figure out what was happening, but eventually we found that every time one particular person made an edit to...

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What is a Google “Offer Post”?

What is a Google “Offer Post”?

There seems to be a brand new Google feature for local businesses that I just ran across, called an "Offer Post", that should be available in most accounts now. For those who are bored, they can Google search games such as w88oaz.com. To access it, log into Google My...

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Google Maps is a Google Adwords Search Partner

Google Maps is a Google Adwords Search Partner

Yesterday I learned that if you want your ads to appear in Google Maps, then you have to choose to advertise in the Google Search Partners network. Did you know that?  I didn't. When advertising in a Google Adwords search campaign, you're given a choice for the Google...

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Google’s SEO Starter Guide is Not Gone

Google’s SEO Starter Guide is Not Gone

Back in 2010, Google released an "SEO Starter Guide" as a .pdf file, and shared it with the world. The guide was 32 pages long, and covered quite a few facts and basic information about SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. It was a helpful document that was referred to...

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Install Free SSL on WordPress with Cloudflare

Install Free SSL on WordPress with Cloudflare

If you use WordPress, and you own your own domain, this is an easy and straightforward way to add SSL to your website. With this method, you don't have to pay, you don't have to involve your web host or move your hosting. Here's the transcript from the video... So the...

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Assembled – I’ll Be There to Help You

Assembled – I’ll Be There to Help You

If you are in charge of your companies marketing, there is going to be an event next week in SE Portland, that you can't afford to miss. All you have to do is show up at any time throughout the day, and help will be available for whatever you need (look into Ful.io to...

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No New SSL Warning in Chrome 62?

No New SSL Warning in Chrome 62?

Update 10/24 - This morning there's a warning. It comes up when you begin filling out the form. It's small, but it's there. Was it there when I wrote this? I don't know, but it's definitely there now, so this post is irrelevant.  I don't know about you, but I put a...

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Tool to View Googles Cache

Tool to View Googles Cache

Unless you run one of the SEO toolbars in your browser, or you follow Googles instructions, the easiest way to see Google's cache of a particular page is to simply copy / paste this, directly in front of your the URL in the address bar....

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Yelp Has NOT Stopped Stealing From You

Yelp Has NOT Stopped Stealing From You

***Update 10/2/17****  - Yelp is AGAIN showing ads for competitors. Better check your own page if you're paying them... I still think my August post about this should have made the national news, after I showed that Yelp was charging businesses to remove competitor...

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Free Review Profiles WordPress Plugin

Free Review Profiles WordPress Plugin

Wouldn't it be great if there was a WordPress plugin that would let you give people a way to easily leave you a review at their preferred service? For example, if I could fill in my profile links in the back end, and then just use a shortcode to display them for you...

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Disabling Yelp Competitor Ads?  No You’re Not.

Disabling Yelp Competitor Ads? No You’re Not.

Paying for a Yelp enhanced profile is SUPPOSED to include the removal of competitor ads from your Yelp Business Pages, but that’s not really true… I've used the Yelp Business manager for a lot of clients and different business types over the years, and sometimes used...

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How to Add a Facebook Ad Account Manager

How to Add a Facebook Ad Account Manager

Adding a manager to your page is not the same as adding a Facebook advertising account manager. This video shows you how to add a manager to your ad account. To add a manager to your Facebook Ad account, go to Facebook.com/ads/manager, and then click on that menu at...

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How to Add a Facebook Business Page Manager

How to Add a Facebook Business Page Manager

Adding an admin to your Facebook business page is easy, and here's how... To add a manager to your Facebook business page just look at your page on Facebook as an admin and you should have these menu options across the top. Click settings and over on the left side...

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New Google Adwords Interface

New Google Adwords Interface

This morning I had a button in my Adwords account to try the new Google Adwords beta interface, so I did... Transcription: This is my very first look at the new AdWords experience. I got an email for one of my clients and it said that he qualified for the new AdWords...

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How to Add a Manager to Google My Business

How to Add a Manager to Google My Business

Here's a one minute video showing how to add a manager to your Google My Business page. This video has been added to my Youtube channel, and you can read more about it here in this post since there's a transcription below. Transcription: When you first log into Google...

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SEO Chatbot – Ask a Question

SEO Chatbot – Ask a Question

Last summer when I was at SMX Advanced in Seattle, Danny Sullivan interviewed Googles Gary Illyes in a sort of "Fireside Chat" session. They covered a lot of ground, but the question that stood out most for me, was the last thing Danny asked, at the end of the day,...

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Retiring Our Hsphere Web Servers

Retiring Our Hsphere Web Servers

In 2002, we moved our web hosting websites to a billing and hosting control panel called Hsphere, and for 15 years it's been a workhorse. On the other hand, if you're in search for a hosting company for your own site, then you can trust services like siteground....

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Google Passwords Not Loading

Google Passwords Not Loading

I know there are a myriad of secure and safe "password keeper" solutions out there, but I've never personally used one. This morning I had to get into a web hosting CPanel which I hadn't been in for over two years, and although the password was saved in Chrome, it...

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