
Google Cache Viewer

This tool was killed by Google on March 12, 2024, then in May it started working again. Sadly, now in July it’s stopped, so I’m pulling it off my navigation.

To see Google’s cache of your webpage, you can either run one of the SEO toolbars in your browser, or you can follow Googles instructions, which are simply:

Copy & paste the following in the address bar directly in front of your URL


Frankly, that’s all this tool does.

Just paste your URL in this box, and you’ll be taken to Google’s cache of your page, with the date showing at the top.

Also take a look at the text version – what Googlebot actually sees when they crawl your site.

If you get a page showing Google search results, that means your page isn’t cached.

SEO Gets Tools Pages


  1. ahmed

    great job man

    • Rabbani

      Well done !!!appriciate 🙂

  2. bubu

    Sorry, what do you mean it was killed by google? It still works for me.

  3. Hussain

    Well Done Bro This helps us a lot brilliant mind with brilliant talent

  4. Eater

    Hey, it still works for me, what do you mean Google killed it?


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